Since 2006, Julian has been providing assurance, consulting, and other accounting services. A graduate of Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance and a Masters of Accounting, he has been involved in significant engagements which include forensic audits and litigation support related to both for-profit and governmental enterprises; audits and other assurance engagements, primarily for commercial, insurance, and not-for-profit entities; and has provided accounting assistance and consulting services to the firm’s small-business clients.
He is knowledgeable in many areas of fraud prevention, detection, and investigation and has obtained the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential and the Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) designation. Using those designations, Julian has been involved in substantially all forensic engagements performed by the firm since 2006. He is also Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and is certified to perform Peer Reviews for accounting firms. Julian periodically leads continuing education seminars addressing professional standards and technical accounting topics. Additionally, Julian worked for six years in the construction industry providing project management support, which included percentage-of-completion accounting.