As the Treasury recently announced their launch of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, we know that there’s going to be questions on how to prepare for them, how they can be used, and much more. FREDA previously hosted a Planning for the American Rescue Plan Act Funds: Lessons Learned from the CARES […]
What Renters Should Know about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program
What should renters know about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program? The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 passed Congress with strong bipartisan support. President Trump signed it into law on December 27, 2020. To sum up, this relief package provides critical support to the American people and will further strengthen our economic recovery. President Trump signed the […]
CARES Act II – Emergency Rental Assistance Program Q&A
Recently, Municode hosted a webinar on the CARES Act II – Emergency Rental Assistance Program. THF’s Steve Stevens and Government Services Group (GSG)’s Dave Jahosky had the opportunity to be panelists on this virtual discussion. There were great questions about the new CARES Act funding being provided by the IRS Treasury during the session. Continue […]
What Governments Should Know about the CARES Act Relief Package
What should governments know about the CARES Act and the Supplemental Appropriations Act relief package? The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 passed Congress with strong bipartisan support. President Trump signed it into law on December 27, 2020. To sum up, this relief package provides critical support to the American people and will further strengthen our economic […]
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Second Draw Q&A
In December, Congress passed a bill allotting $284 billion in new funding. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Second Draw will provide the hardest-hit businesses a chance at a second loan. The PPP 2.0 makes other changes too, including eligibility and limits for some loan sizes. Dennis Gallant answers some commonly asked questions on the Second […]
Key Takeaways from the Second Round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
What are the key takeaways from the second round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)? The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) 2021 permits certain small businesses who received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan and experienced a 25% reduction in gross receipts to take a PPP Second Draw Loan of up to $2 million. Who is […]
FEMA Public Assistance Guidance Release
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released its updated Public Assistance Guidance for COVID-19 reimbursable expenditures under the Public Assistance Program. The guidance is meant to clarify these parameters, particularly in relation to emergency protective measures. As of September 15, FEMA may provide assistance only for the following emergency protective measures in response to […]
Maximize the Use of Your CARES Act & Minimize Disallowance Webinar
Our very own Steve Stevens had the opportunity to speak on how the CARES Act funding can positively and quickly impact your community, local government responsibilities, federal regulations and guidelines, allowable costs, ineligible costs, and more! Check out the full webinar here. […]
Modifications to the Main Street Lending Program Expands Eligibility to Not-For-Profits
On Friday, July 24th, the Federal Reserve Board released modifications to the Main Street Lending Program that will provide greater access to credit for not-for-profit organizations. The Board approved two new loan options to provide support to a broad set of not-for-profit organizations that were in sound financial condition prior to the pandemic. The Board […]
CARES Act Funding Overview Webinar
Our very own Steve Stevens had the opportunity to speak on the overview of the CARES Act Funding. Check out the full webinar here, or you can read some of the notes from the session below. CARES Act Local Government Program Process for counties to receive CARES funding Counties accessed disbursement using the DEM Grants Management […]