As the Treasury recently announced their launch of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, we know that there’s going to be questions on how to prepare for them, how they can be used, and much more. FREDA previously hosted a Planning for the American Rescue Plan Act Funds: Lessons Learned from the CARES […]
What Renters Should Know about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program
What should renters know about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program? The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 passed Congress with strong bipartisan support. President Trump signed it into law on December 27, 2020. To sum up, this relief package provides critical support to the American people and will further strengthen our economic recovery. President Trump signed the […]
What Governments Should Know about the CARES Act Relief Package
What should governments know about the CARES Act and the Supplemental Appropriations Act relief package? The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 passed Congress with strong bipartisan support. President Trump signed it into law on December 27, 2020. To sum up, this relief package provides critical support to the American people and will further strengthen our economic […]
FEMA Reimbursement for COVID-19 Expenses for Private Non-Profits Webinar
In case you missed the webinar today on FEMA Reimbursement for COVID-19 Expenses, we have included information below that was discussed. In the webinar, we also spoke about the CARES Act and the Employee Retention Credit. You can access the FEMA Reimbursement for COVID-19 Expenses for Private Non-Profits presentation at the link below. FEMA Reimbursement […]
What Costs May Be Reimbursable By FEMA for COVID-19?
What Costs May Be Reimbursable By FEMA for COVID-19? All major disasters can lead to some form of political, social, and economic consequence. Normally these events are confined to a region of the country and regions within the respective states impacted. COVID-19 is not normal and has impacted all sectors of the economy including governments […]
What Costs Are Eligible for Loan Forgiveness Through the Payroll Protection Program (PPP)?
Borrowers can be eligible for loan forgiveness for eligible payroll costs and eligible nonpayroll costs through the Payroll Protection Program (PPP). Borrowers are generally eligible for forgiveness for the payroll costs paid and payroll costs incurred during the eight week (56-day) covered period. Payroll costs are considered paid on the day that paychecks are distributed, […]
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – Payroll Costs Q&A
Additional answers have been posted by the SBA pertaining to the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) payroll costs. Here is a sample of questions and answers that have been posted. Do PPP loans cover paid sick leave under payroll costs? What period of time should borrowers use to determine their number of employees and payroll costs […]
Senator Marco Rubio Discusses PPP Loan Forgiveness with CPAs
Today, United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) held a town hall on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness process. The town hall was held with the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accounts’ (FICPA) leadership and board. During the town hall, the Senator discussed specific federal responses to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The topic included details […]
Private Nonprofits Eligible for FEMA Reimbursement
Are you wondering if your private nonprofit is eligible for FEMA reimbursement? This chart will help you determine if seeking reimbursement from FEMA may be an option for your organization. Additional information can be found in our COVID-19 Resources Center. For questions, please email our emergency management team leader Steve Stevens at […]
Private Nonprofit Work Eligible for FEMA Reimbursement
Under the Stafford Act, eligible emergency protective measures taken by private nonprofits to respond to the COVID-19 emergency may be eligible for FEMA reimbursement. In this situation, reimbursement would fall under category B of FEMA’s Public Assistance program. Please remember that this is at the direction or guidance of public health officials. How does FEMA […]